Some fun with Kdenlive Print
Written by Maxx   
Sunday, 02 August 2009 16:21

I have been doing some conservative editing with Kdenlive.  I did some filming using the new Samsung camera and the old Microtek and put the two together.  I also experimented with some effects as well along with some transitions.  This video was also the benchmark to test various rendering levels that best suit the PS3 and Youtube.

I found with the PS3 the best format was MPEG-2 at 2000k bit rate.  Produces pretty good video.  I found that the XVid seemed to do something weird when the camera pans or there are moving objects, like little boys.  I think this is a combination of my camera and the xvid container.

I was pretty happy when I found out I could upload a Theora file to Youtube and have it work.  The Theora vids end up a tad smaller than the MPEG and AVI.

I picked a name for the video production, I call myself "Flikit Pictures" as in "I cant flikit off my finger".  Gotta get back into Blender and try and produce a promo clip.

Anyway, credits go to Kdenlive, Kino, Ubuntu for the software to do this.  Music is by A.K. 1974, from Spain.  I am not sure why, but I seem to keep picking music from Spain.  The tune is called "Storm" from the album "SEA, A Chilled Experience, Volume 1".  Released under the creative commons license (  You can check out this album and their other music at Jamendo.

Anyway, thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed it.



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